Meet the Hammies
Here you can find all of the main characters in Hamsterville. Read all about them and shop their products and represent your favorites!
Painter Hammy
She's not just our logo – she's our town artist! Painter Hammy always has a paintbrush and palette in hand (or paw...) because her favorite hobby is painting the town and all her friends.
Painter Hammy Products
Post Hammy
Meet the town's most reliable messenger! Armed with his trusty uniform, Post Hammy makes sure all the letters get to their destinations on time - rain or shine.
Granny Hammy
Construction Hammy
Say hello to Construction Hammy! Armed with his bright orange safety vest and fantastic mustache, he's determined to keep everyone safe on the streets of Hamsterville.
Grocer Hammy
Grocer Hammy. may be small, but he's always willing to lend a helping hand! When's he's not working at the Hamsterville Marketplace, he's running around town helping Post Hammy handle any package devlieries.